At Amber Leaf Family Dental, we work hard to give you and your family the quality dental care they deserve. We want to help you enjoy healthy, bright smiles for years to come. When our patients come to our office, they can expect professional skill and ability, commitment to your health, and our greatest attention to comfort and detail for your smile. We are careful to recommend only the service your teeth need.
In return, we ask that our patients cooperate in making and keeping appointments, striving to maintain good oral hygiene, and in following our recommendations to help you achieve optimal oral health. Also, please be prepared to visit with our team about financial options at the time of your service. We are eager to answer your questions; anytime you have a question or are concerned about a treatment, either proposed or performed, please discuss it with us promptly and openly.
We are pleased to be your resource for your family’s dental services. We look forward to meeting you and giving you a reason to smile!